I am Erika Majoros, a self-taught painter of Hungarian origin, based in Oldbury, in United Kingdom.
I have always defined myself as a "creative" person: I love creative process, when something new is shaped from our own hands, born from an abstract idea. Visual arts an literature are very important parts of my life, and although I am not a trained artist, I like to pick up a brush or a pen as a means of self-expression. I started painting in a self taught way in 2020. My paintings and writings reflect the mood of the moment, as I marvel at the simple things in life with the eyes of a child. I prefer to work with a palette knife, as the colors carry the weight of the messages on my thickly textured canvases - thus I use these colors a lot, markedly so.
I hope the images of the " ERIKKA" brand will bring joy and smiles to the faces of those looking at them. Then it was worth picking up a brush...